Sunday, April 28, 2013

New range ordered

We decided to go ahead with purchasing a new range, in spite of not having the layout completely nailed down. Hopefully a plumber can get things close enough that not too much work will have to be done with new cabinets... we're thinking the stove will be in (roughly) the same spot. Our church had a need for a new electric stove and we thought we could donate ours by replacing it before we're ready to do any other renovation.

We required a freestanding range with a gas stove. We didn't care what the oven was, but all-gas is much cheaper than dual-fuel. We really wanted a stove with no electronics. No computer, no timer, no "chicken nugget" button, etc. Stoves like this come in two categories. There are the $200 bottom-of the line models, and then there's a gap where you seem to get, basically, the $200 model plus more electronic features, and gradually better construction and burners, all the way up to $5000. You don't see another electronic-free model until about $2000 which starts the "pro-look" models, and those go up into five digits.

So, we were looking for the bottom of the upper range, rather than the top or middle of the bottom range, if that makes sense.

We decided on a NXR range. It's a brand I've never heard of, but it meets our criteria and has a price on the bottom of that upper range ($1999 delivered).

I wanted to know if I could get a better range by spending slightly more money. I looked at ranges by Five Star ($3000), Electrolux ($3200), American ($3300), Jade ($3500), and Capital ($3550). The Capital is the first one on the list I decided I'd rather have than the NXR, and it's a little bit better. Not $1550 better. So.... we ordered the NXR, from Dvorson's of Sausalito. More information when it arrives!

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